
Jamel Akib.

Jamel Akib is an illustrator of children's books; He had a profession in art in 1989 whilst still studying at college. He has achieved many great things such as being the illustrator for the Observer newspaper front cover and since then has been given many awards such as; 1992 Maxwell Business publishing award for ’Best editorial’,
1993 Victoria and Albert museum award for being ‘Highly commended, the 1994 Victoria and Albert museum award ‘Best Editorial’, 1996 Creative review magazine for the ‘Best editorial, award and finally in 2004 the ‘Marion Vannet Rideway award. He has been in many group exhibitions that span from 1990 and most recently 2005. He has illustrated around eleven books such as the 2006 Frankenstein and Gulliver’s travels (2006). His illustrations are very detailed since that his most famous pieces are for the front covers of novels and need to be highly detailed so that they are capable of conveying what the book is about. Since the novels he illustrates are usually adventure book and often have threats for the characters during the story his illustrations tend to be very dark depending on the books plot. I find the work that he has done is more based around the idea of making the illustrations as highly detailed as he can and going for a more realistic style than a style that is abstract and more artistic, which I prefer.

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