
Chris Ede.

Chris Ede is an illustrator that uses vector style design so achieve a certain style of design. Since he often uses Vector programs to design his work it can often appear flat and two dimensional, however since Chris Ede is an experienced illustrator he is capable of making his artwork interesting, detailed and to his own style. He mainly works in the city of London as a freelance illustrator who digitally manipulates his own work. He often starts by firstly hand drawing a designed illustration and fused photography and other elements as he repeatedly edits his designs. His work becomes vector once he has combined all of his previous pieces of the design and edits them on a vector design program such as AutoCAD. Since there are many different steps that he takes to achieve his final project where many other vector illustration can seem very flat sine Chris uses a combination of techniques his work becomes to seem more detailed and to have more depth. I think that this is a better way to work despite it making it a longer process to finish each piece of work, since the final product is worth the time he takes. His work is often humorous and because of this has often been used for market advertising, editorials and publishing. According to his own website he prefers to wait until the last minute and only just meet the deadline despite his work having multiple different layer and elements for each piece.

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