
Sam Bevington.

Vision Magazine Poster

Sam Bevington is a mainly an illustrator uses vector programs to make his end designs. He graduated of the univercity of the west of england Bristol in 2009. He got a first class of honours in illustration. His work is similar to graffiti artists but he completes his work on a computer and because of this it has a final polished design. Despite the work being vector and designed on a computer since it has been based upon graffiti it has a more realistic and three dimensional look to it. The graffiti is usally involving cartoonic style characters such as humans or humanoid creatures. All of the designs have a blue or a brown overtone over the top and so make it seem even more that they were sprayed on to a street wall despite being computer designed. This is one of the most realistic looking vector illustration collection from an artist and it makes it harder to tell that it is vector and not spraypainted or at least handmade. This is a style that I would like to try myself because it looks like it has the deatil of an handdrawn or hand made product but with the finished polished of a vector or computer designed image.

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