

Bauhaus Dessau Workshop

Bauhaus was a German school that worked with crafts and fine arts and combined to the two and operated from 1919 to 1933 and was founded by Walter Gropius. It was founded with the idea that when creating they should be a 'total' work of art in all art forms and particularly architecture. With this the Bauhaus style become one of the most influential styles that even is current in modern architecture and through out design. It influenced many modern design and designs earlier in and in principle is straight thick lines and functional since it never completely puts form before function yet expands it and considers both. It often involves simple geometric shapes such as squares, rectangles and circles.    

Bauhaus influences many areas even today and this includes; art, architecture, interior design, typography and graphic design. Due to this I would say that Bauhaus is one of the most influential styles that still can be seem around the world to this day.

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