
Food Waste.

Food waste is a severe problem and a threat to our environment and planet due to multiple reasons.

When looking at statistics that are from multiple resources around 7.2 million tonnes of food from UK homes is thrown away every year, and 1.3 billion tonnes globally is lost or wasted through out the food processing.
Food loss and waste per person and yearTotalAt the production and retail stagesBy consumers
Europe280 kg (620 lb)190 kg (420 lb)90 kg (200 lb)
North America and Oceania295 kg (650 lb)185 kg (410 lb)110 kg (240 lb)
Industrialized Asia240 kg (530 lb)160 kg (350 lb)80 kg (180 lb)
Subsaharan Africa160 kg (350 lb)155 kg (340 lb)5 kg (11 lb)
North Africa, West and Central Asia215 kg (470 lb)180 kg (400 lb)35 kg (77 lb)
South and Southeast Asia125 kg (280 lb)110 kg (240 lb)15 kg (33 lb)
Latin America225 kg (500 lb)200 kg (440 lb)25 kg (55 lb)
This is costing the consumer who is in an average family in the UK an around £680 a year that is £50 a month. There is also the problems that effects the environment and the planet, these are the more severe problems and are going to be points in which I am going to focus upon during this project and illustrate in my environmental campaign poster.

Main points
  • Waste.
  • Crops. (damage/ loss)
  • Transportation.
  • Development.
  • Storage.
  • Landfills.
  • CO2.
  • Cost.
These are some of the aspects that I have looked into and analysed.

There is not only the effect that food waste has on the enviroment but also the effect on people. When people simply throw away food that they feel do not want they are lossing money. This however is good for farmers and manufactureres of the foods and if people are more responsible and waste less food the demand from the consumer will lessen and the stores will buy less food from companies and farmers, this may put people out of work and then crops that the farmers would grow and tend to will die and become useless. This in turn will weaken the supply of food and would increase the cost of food.

The Environmental effects that the food we eat every day starts from the beginning stages. The majority of our food that is consumed across the planet has it's origin in crops, and due to the large amount of land and cultivation that the crops require and therefor effect the environment. The land and crops need contrast treatments which require machinery that use fuel and cause CO2 to be released into the atmosphere and the land is taking up resources. Planting and feeding the crops is needed and this uses both machinery that cost money and cost the environment and requires the time and work of farmers. When the crops have grown they are harvested often using yet more machinery which is not completely accurate and often harvests crop that is not fully grown and therefore has be thrown away and is wasted. The crops that are ready then have to readied for transported which means packaging needs to be made which uses materials that need crude oil. Then the crops are transported on large scale transporting machinery such as a boat, plane or truck which uses yet more fuel and gives out CO2 into the environment and damages the o-zone layer.

Once the crops have actually been transported to their destination using multiple means of transportation they still have to be developed and turned from crop into edible food goods. This requires more machinery that run of power that is produced from power stations much as nuclear or fossil fuel power stations which cause toxic waste or CO2 which furthers the damage to our planet. During the production of the food goods the machinery which is being used gives out further CO2.

Once the foods have been manufactured the final packaging for the display and transportation of the food is made. Mostly the packaging is made up of either cardboard ( which is cutting down trees and deforestation therefore trees cannot consume CO2 and release Oxygen) or plastic ( which is made from crude oil which is a fossil fuel and will eventually run out). Despite this packaging being needed for keeping the food fresh, hygienic and showcasing the product the packaging can be recycled but often is just thrown away and fills land fills. Once the food goods have been packaged they are loaded into a transport such as a truck and delivered to stores for them to sell the produced food goods. The transportation on the trucks will require fuel such as petrol which is made from fossil fuel and will damage the environment.

Once the food has delivered to the store the product have been designed to show an idea that the product is 'green' or 'Eco- friendly' which isn't true and are just lies to make the consumer buy their products, during this project and it's on going research I will look into the ways that consumers are tricked by advertising. Corporations that are trying to showcase and inform consumers about the methods the manufactures use include 'Green wash'.

When the facts are overseen there is clearly a severe problem that the planet and environment is facing from food waster and there are campaigners that seek out to inform the consumers and stop the problem from getting worse and hopefully decreasing our planets waste.


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