

Greenwash is a advertising authority that seeks out to expose the lies and false information which companies and businesses use to advertise them selves and thier products. This is due to in thier opinion the ignorance of the consumer and thier ability to simply believe whatever the companies are saying due to the multiple techniques designed to influence the consumers. According to Greenwash there are ten main ways in which the companies and bussinesses use to influence the consuming audience; Fluffy language, green products vs dirty company, suggestive pictures, Irrelevant claims, Best in class?, just not credible, gobbledygook, imaginary friends, no proof amd out-right lying. These techniques are used by the vast majority of companies and thier adverts are everywhere and in evey possible media outlet. Due to the news and the information given to the public about multiple global problems such as CO2 levels and rising sea levels the public are constantly being told about the dangers and risks that are effecting the earth and the o-zone layer. This makes consumers more aware of the effect that thier everyday products have upon the world and how it is altering the planet. This makes the majority of consumers more likely to buy product that they belive have a morepossitive effect on the enviroment. Key words are used through out the advertising to invoce the idea that their products and bussinesses are not destroying the environment and try to make consumers think that their products in fact help to environment and possibly make it better. These are most often lies and are filled with scientific technical terminology designed to confuse the audience into believing the companies. overall the main focus on Greenwash is to showcase the techniques used to trick consumers and that companies that consumers may think are out to save the word and help the environment are actually trying to make people buy their products.

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