
Tyler Stout.

In this blogged essay post I will analyse the work and style of Tyler stout. Through out this essay I hope to review and analyse Tyler's work ,working styles and find out background information regarding him.

Tyler was born in Washington state near Portland Oregon, The way that he got interested into art is very typical. He as with many others as a child enjoyed drawing and was interested in comic books and has obviously been inspired from comic books when observing his designed works. Artists that Tyler said that has inspired him include ''I draw most of my inspiration from. Mobius, Bernie Wrightson, Frank Miller, Dave Gibbons, Frank Miller, Mike Mignola. Right now theres an artist working named Tony Moore who is great, and people should check out Y: The Last Man for a great story and great artwork.''

When looking at Tyler's work the majority of his complete work are based upon pre-existing movies and designing a poster to illustrate them. His poster illustrations I would personly describe as gritty and some what bland. Due to the simple fact that the colour palette and the colours chosen are not vivid and the way that the images have been created is not a traditional way which adds to an ongoing style. According to Tyler Stout his work starts out as a simple pen on paper sketched design. The design is then turned into an digital computer software program illustration. The illustrations of the movie posters are created using multiple cleverly designed abstract shapes of colour. The aspects of the movies that he conveys in his film poster illustrations are the key parts of the movie montaged together, which is typical and common design choice in movie posters. His design choice when it comes to the compersition and elements of the film that are being conveyed are what one would expect from a professional movie poster, however the key part of Tyler's work is his style that is uncommon and not one that I have come across before. The final work is clearly done digitaly due to the fact that it would take an enourmus amount of time to complete were as since the designed work has been created using computer software it will still take a lot of time and talent but will over be worth it. When it comes to the style and colouring of the movie poster in my opinion they are well suited for the movies in which they are illustrating. Since the images are made up of a huge amount of sharp dully coloured shapes of single colour they give the work a gritty and old, mature style to them. The colours chosen contrast with the bright and vivid colours that would be in a childrens movie poster. The style of Tyler's movie posters matches the genre of film in which they are illustrating; Kill bill, The Thing, Robocop, Blade runner, Star Wars, Total Recall, Big Trouble in Little China and many others. All of these film fit the genre of action and are made for a mature audience which suits the style of Tyler's movie posters.

When comparing the styles of Tyler's movie posters with those of more traditional styles there are both similarities and contrasts. In this section I will analyse the aspects of one of Tyler Stout's movie posters and a famous and more traditionally styled movie poster.

This is the poster for the movie 'The Dark Knight' and in a large amount of ways it has a typical design as far as a movie poster goes. It does a good job of conveying the important part of the movie using photographs and photo editing. This is the conventional means of creating a poster and it has a simple yet effective compersition that illustrates what the movie is about in a typical format. Although the movie fits in with the genre and style of the movie that Tyler illustrates through his poster this poster is different when it comes to colouring. Although the movie has a action theme that is some what dark there are parts of the poster that are bold and vivid which is something that Tyler's posters are not. Where Tyler's posters have a large amount of the aspects of the film montaged together in a unrealistic way that would be impossible to create a scene from the ,''The Dark Knight" poster however contrast from this and almost creates a single scene that could have been photographed. Photographs bring me onto another way in which the designs of the posters can be differentiated from one another. ''The Dark Knight" poster has been made up from highly detailed photographs that have been edited and manipulated to form a scene that seems realistic and establishes a possible scene from the movie. Where as Since the aspects of the movies that Tyler portrays are made up of combined colored shapes which configure into a image this gives the art work a different style from other film posters which turns the poster from just being a image that illustrates and showcases the movie and becomes in my opinion a stylistic work of art.

Although Tyler Stout is most famous for his computer software created movie posters he has other work that has his own signature style that can easily be distinguished. Some of his work carries on being based around movies where as other pieces of his work seem more like highly evolved doodles.


In this piece of work the way in which it has been created is the same as the movie poster that I have been focusing my essay upon. This work is highly detailed which is the same as the movie posters and have been made up from multiple slightly differently coloured shapes combined and intelligently placed to form an interesting and artistic designed image. When it comes to similarities the colour palette as with the movie posters is rather limited and consists of very few colours and this work goes even further by consisting mainly from different shades of blue.

There are however comparisons from the movie posters style and design when analyzing other works that Tyler has achieved such as this piece of design.

This is very different from the work I have previously evaluated through my essay. Where as the movie posters were highly detailed, were mature, gritty and clearly have had a lot of time spend on them to complete this piece of work as with a select few of others seems very childish and badly done. It looks like it has been made by a amateur with very little talent, done in a few minutes and is basically a doodle. Where as the previous work I have evaluated and analysed has been very interesting, artistic and I have to say I like it, this however is not good when being compared to the movie posters.

Overall Tyler Stout is a very talented artist is very good at designing and creating movie poster in a very interesting way that I think has not been explored enough.

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